Here’s a cool vintage find: a green glass honey dish by Tiara. This piece is studded on the outside with all kinds of bees and related motifs, such as the bee skeps on the sides.
It is designed to serve honey in the comb, which was more common in grocery stores in past times than it is now.
Both the dish and the comb honey are elusive to find, but if you’re determined, they are out there.
I stumbled on the glass dish at a thrift store. I was surprised and happy to find it had no nicks or chips. And its price was only a few dollars.
I’ll have that, and I did!
The square comb honey was tough to find. There is plenty of honey available in grocery stores. To find this square version, I had to go to a specialty grocery. It’s unpasteurized and beautifully luscious in the comb. But the price was, ouch!
The silver lining is that now I know where to find a local producer. I’m pretty sure that our local farmers markets will have comb honey this season as well.
Tiara produced these honey server dishes in a lot of colors, including milk glass white, green, blue, amber (which I wrote about before), clear, pink, amethyst and black. You can find some of the colors in frosted versions as well as translucent glass.
If you’re looking, I suggest secondary marketplaces both online and off line. If you keep after it, you will eventually find one.
If you love honey, bees and things associated with them, this will be a lovely addition to your collection. Or, a thoughtful gift for your bee-loving family and friends.
We used to have comb honey on the table at home when I was a kid. Just spoon some out, spread it on bread, buttered toast or biscuits, and enjoy. They say the beeswax is healthy for you, too.
When the dish is not being used for honey, this piece can serve for small wrapped candies, or nuts. If you really want to showcase the theme, find some Bit-o-Honey candy to put in the dish.
Sweet, any way you use your vintage honey dish!