Enjoy Strawberry Shortcake – Beautiful Fruit in Season

Time to get out the bowls for another serving of some favorite comfort food. In the winter, bowl food can be chili or casseroles. In the spring and summer, it's favorite cobblers and strawberry shortcake.

This year we had some wild spring weather, and strawberry growers were challenged to protect their crops from freezing. One thing leads to another, and the result is that, as I write, we have lots of beautiful berries from Florida and California available at very reasonable prices.

Frugal homemakers and home cooks know that cooking in season is always a winner -- for best quality and economy.

The strawberry shortcake we ate at home didn't have a recipe, and we always made it with fresh fruit. Here are the steps to make some:


  • Clean and hull fresh strawberries, and cut them in half
  • Wash again and drain well
  • Put them in a large bowl with 1 teaspoon sugar per quart. (You won't need more if the berries are sweet. If you want more, you can add it later.)
  • Mash the berries with a potato masher until they are squashed, but not unrecognizable. Better to err on the side of whole vs. mush, but the purpose is to get some juice going, beyond what the sugar alone will do
  • Cover and set aside in the refrigerator

Biscuit shortcake

  • Make some drop biscuits using Bisquick, according to package directions. One batch makes about 9 and that is enough for several people.


  • Ladle some cool strawberries over warm biscuits, and serve with a little milk. Aim for a good balance of strawberries and biscuits, so that every bite has some of each.

And that's it. What could be more simple! Of course you can dress it up with some whipped topping or ice cream, and you can use a fancier cake in place of the biscuits.

When I want strawberry shortcake as a comfort food, this is the way that reminds me of home.

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